The Blaise case: The precautionary principle and its role in judicial review

The approval renewal of glyphosate as an active substance for pesticides in the EU has also kept the Court of Justice occupied.

Pollinator conservation requires a stronger and broader application of the precautionary principle

Pollinator decline, and more broadly global insect decline, is increasingly recognised as an emerging global environmental risk urgently requiring an internationally coordinated and integrated policy response.

Insect decline, an emerging global environmental risk

Over the past decades, evidence has mounted that the Earth’s entomofauna is in an ongoing state of collapse.

The pollinator crisis and the role of entomologists: editorial

Pollinator decline, and more broadly insect decline, has become a pressing societal challenge.

Precaution and Innovation in the Context of Wastewater Regulation

This month, Fritz-Julius Grafe and Harald A. Mieg, have published the article “Precaution and Innovation in the Context of Wastewater Regulation: An Examination of Financial Innovation under UWWTD Disputes in London and Milan”, on the Sustainability journal.

The precautionary principle during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The RECIPES project started in January 2019 and does not address questions about the relevance and application of the precautionary principle during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

UiB received supplementary funding for building an epistemic network in Norway on bees, pesticides and precaution

On 17 December 2019, the UiB partner received supplementary funding from the Norwegian Research Council to increase the impact, relevance, and applicability of the RECIPES results in Norway.

Check out the RECIPES Consortium

The RECIPES consortium is composed of 11 partners, representing all geographical regions of Europe and brings together academic expertise from three leading academic groups in the field of the precautionary principle, three major European players in Technology Assessment and five leading non-profit research institutes.

German Bundestag discusses about precaution and innovation

On 12 April 2019, the German Bundestag debated about precaution and innovation. The debate followed a call of the German Liberals for the introduction of an innovation principle in legislation, while the German Green Party would rather strengthen the precautionary principle. The parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag are highly divided on the topic.