RECIPES e-Conference

On 4 and May 2020, the RECIPES e-Conference took place. During the first day, members of the Advisory Board provided feedback on the nine draft case studies on the precautionary principle and gave input to the scenarios on the future application of the precautionary principle that will be developed with stakeholders during workshops in June and September 2020. On the second day, the consortium discussed the cross-case comparison and prepared the scenario workshops.

Nearly one and a half years after the RECIPES project was kicked off in Maastricht, the Consortium convened virtually to look at interim results and discuss the next steps.

On the first day, the Advisory Board members were invited to provide feedback on the nine draft RECIPES case studies on the precautionary principle. In parallel sessions, the case study authors presented their preliminary findings and discussed remaining issues with the Advisory Board members as well as with Consortium members.

A more detailed overview of the case studies can be found here.

The first day was also used to receive feedback from the Advisory Board members on the draft scenarios prepared by the Consortium that will be discussed during scenario workshops in June and September 2020. The draft scenarios for the future application of the precautionary principle included the continuation of the current practice as a baseline and the focus on precaution or the focus on innovation as two possible directions.

During the second day, the Consortium reflected on the feedback received from the Advisory Board members and discussed the next steps, i.e. the finalization of the case studies, the cross-case comparison as well as the preparation of the scenario workshops.

An overview of the steps can be found here.

The RECIPES project is funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation and is implemented by 11 consortium partners from all geographical regions of Europe. Involved are three leading academic groups in the field of the precautionary principle (from Maastricht University, University of Bergen, and Humboldt-University Berlin), three major European players in Technology Assessment (Rathenau Institute, the Danish Board of Technology and the Austrian Academy of Sciences) and five leading non-profit research institutes (Dialogik, Ecologic Institute, IASS, ARC-FUND and K&I).

IASS and Maastricht University

Prof. Dr. Ellen Vos and Dr. Kristel de Smedt

Event Date