The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) conducts research with the goal of identifying, advancing, and guiding transformation processes towards sustainable societies in Germany and abroad. Its research practice is transdisciplinary, transformative, and co-creative. The institute cooperates with partners in academia, political institutions, administrations, civil society, and the business community to understand sustainability challenges and generate potential solutions. A strong network of national and international partners supports the work of the institute. Among its central research topics are the energy transition, emerging technologies, climate change, air quality, systemic risks, governance and participation, and cultures of transformation. The IASS is funded by the research ministries of the Federal Government of Germany and the State of Brandenburg.
Within the IASS, the RECIPES project is led by the Systemics Risks group. The group’s research analyses the various interdependencies between technology, nature, and society with a particular focus on complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. On the basis of this analysis, we aim to identify common patterns and structural features of systemic risks. Finally, we seek to identify policy instruments and methods of governance with the capacity to alleviate systemic risks
IASS Potsdam is responsible for WP 2, Multiple Case Study Analysis, within the RECIPES project.